Glucosamine and Arthritis 

Glucosamine and Arthritis

Does glucosamine help humans with arthritis pain, as it seems to help dogs?

From the Globe and Mail:

For a majority of study participants, who suffered from mild pain, the two supplements seemed to be no more effective than a placebo.

However, patients with moderate to severe symptoms reported significant pain relief in the 24-week trial. About 79 per cent of patients who took both supplements reported an improvement in their condition. That's even better than the results from a prescription drug; 69 per cent of patients in that category who took celecoxib (known by the brand name Celebrex) said they had a significant reduction in pain. (About 54 per cent of those receiving the placebo claimed improvement.)

At first glance, the study seems to suggest the supplements provide the most benefit to those who are in the most pain. But the researchers, led by Daniel Clegg of the University of Utah, caution that there were just too few patients in this category to draw reliable conclusions. Out of a total 1,583 initial participants, only 72 patients in the moderate- to severe-pain group received both supplements. “From a statistical standpoint . . . the numbers just aren't there,” Dr. Clegg told a telephone news conference.

By the way, our dogs' legs, and particularly Hero's, are better than ever.

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