Another Movie 

Another Movie

Eulogy is actually a pretty good movie. As one reviewer says on line, it is a series of cliches, illuminated by some pretty good writing and acting.

The grandfather (whom we finally see in a videotape), played by Rip Torn, has died. The family gathers: two sons, two daughters, one lesbian companion, some grandchildren including the protagonist, Kate, who is asked to prepare and deliver a eulogy.

Sending up Rocket Gilbralter, I guess, they put the body in a row boat and allow the 13-year-old twin grandsons to prepare it for immolation. As they push it into the water, the "fuse" comes off the boat. Not to worry, the two boys will shoot flaming arrows. So all this is developing in the background as the family talks, and Katie attempts her eulogy. Finally they all sing: "Papa was a Rolling Stone" (it turns out he had three families). Just when they get to "all he left us was," Kaboom!, the row boat explodes as opposed to catching fire. As Kate says afterward, it was raining Grandpa.

A very nice performance by Zooey Deschanel as Kate. It's more or less her movie--the sane one, commenting on the passing scene while trying to deal with a love affair of her own. Hank Azaria has never been better in anything I've seen. And Debra Winger, somewhat back from the dead herself as far as I'm concerned. (OK, I've just Googled; I should see Shadowlands and Forget Paris). Ray Romano is actually not bad.

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