Bush: Not Quite Fighting for Human Rights Everywhere
A kind of surprising piece I found through Drudge: Washington Post Managing Editor Philip Bennett interviewed by the People's Daily Online (China).
But if you look at the different parts of the world, it would be very difficult for the Bush administration to argue that they do not apply same standards to different parts of the world. Clearly US is a great ally of Pakistan and Saudi Arbia, which are not democracies. US has a very complex relations with China, which is not a democracy either by American standard. The issues that were once on the top of that relationship, like human rights, were no longer on the top any more. If you still remember last time when US President talked about human rights in China as a major issue between the two countries, that has been a long time ago. So I think it is true there are different standards applied to different places. In that case You could call that hypocrisy or whatever labels you thought fit most appropriately. But it is clear that the US government's ideas of political development around the world is not applied equally in all places. I am just observing that as I look out how political development in different countries operates around the world.
Matthew Yglesias, perhaps a bit grumpy that Bush seems to have helped trigger a democratic reform movement in Lebanon, wonders why no attention is being given to demonstrations in Jordan--an ally of the U.S.
All of this, combined with Bush's willingness to lecture Russia about democracy, testifies to Bush's flexibility and, ahem, intelligence.
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