Congratulations to Iraqis 

Congratulations to Iraqis

Indeed Iraqis deserve a lot of credit for successfully conducting an election in such difficult circumstances. It seems the turnout and (relative) peace are beyond what almost anyone expected; some Bush critics are probably grumpy about that, since they'd rather he didn't get the credit, but I think the giddiness of Bush defenders also indicates their relief and sense of a pleasant surprise.

How big is this? Someone on the Corner has said the biggest thing since the fall of the Berlin Wall--I guess because it could send shock waves through an entire region, making that region less hostile to the West, more open to progress as we recognize it. Even if Iran, Syria and Egypt have more or less real elections in the next few years, is that of the same "world historical" importance as the fall of the Iron Curtain? I don't know, but I doubt it.

Yikes! On the Berlin wall: That was KJL quoting...Geraldo! Who also brings up 1776. So is it the insurgents who are being compared to the British, or Saddam?

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