Two Comments from Bobby Inman 

Two Comments from Bobby Inman

Interview in Slate. Former intelligence official in the U.S., at very senior levels.

1. Rumsfeld.

Inman: If Rumsfeld were to be there for the next four years there will be a lot of my military colleagues who will be very unenthusiastic about it. But as much as they dislike Rumsfeld, they would not want to see a change in this immediate period. With the run-up to the Jan. 30 election in Iraq, you don't want to disrupt the chain of command.

Slate: After the elections, your military colleagues might welcome a change at the top?

[blockquote]Inman: They would not be greatly disappointed if he did not turn out to [serve] a full four years.[/blockquote]

Translation: get rid of this guy, he's a dud. (Meanwhile, there is speculation that Bill Kristol has support from the White House for saying Rumsfeld needs to move on).

2. When will we find out the truth about Iraq?

Slate: One assumes they feel the same about Paul Wolfowitz; we saw a lot of him and the neocons in the Iraq war run-up. They have virtually disappeared. Why is that?

[blockquote]Inman: They don't want to take the blame. ? [T]hey were willing to take credit for things earlier; they don't want to take blame.[/blockquote]

Slate: Who is going to take the blame?

Inman: I think we'd better stop there.

Slate: We can't go opining about certain members of the administration?

Inman: No, no. Not gonna do that.

Slate: And the administration has sealed most of their documents for years to come.

Inman: Yeah, the historians are going to have a field day in 30 or 40 years.

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